Cte-630 Drivers For Mac카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 22. 19:50
Details Created: 28 Nov 2015 Last Updated: 03 Jan 2016 Recently I needed a real Mac with OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). I have two older graphic tablets from Wacom, a Graphire 3 (CTE-430) and a Bamboo Pen & Touch (CTH-460). I downloaded the latest drivers for each tablet, both drivers don't even install. You really wonder why Wacom is keeping their customers unhappy. I mean El Capitan is out in the wild for a fair while. Google tells me I am not alone with my issue.
Doing a quite a bit of research I finally found a solution for both tablets which I like to share, so others will save valuable lifetime. I am pretty sure both solutions will work on OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) as well but I haven't verified it. Bamboo Pen & Touch - CTH-460 This is a simple fix, you just need the right driver release. Use this driver from Europe: Graphire 3 - CTE-430 Here it gets more complicated. There is a driver which works, but no System Preferences Pane where you could configure this driver. I did some hacking and to my very surprise it worked, so here we go:.
Download the legacy driver 5.2.6-5. Install the driver, you might need to bypass the Security settings in the System Preferences.
Cte 630 Driver Mac
The driver will work, but you can't open the Wacom Config Pane in System Preferences. It is the Control Pane from driver 5.3.6-6 but uses the Info.plist file from driver 5.2.6-5. Replace /Library/PreferencePanes/PenTablet.prefPane with my hacked version. In case you want to do the hacking by yourself follow these steps:. Install the PenTablet5.3.6-6.dmg driver, it will fail. Backup /Library/PreferencePanes/PenTablet.prefPane.
Cte-630 Drivers For Mac Free
Remove driver with with Wacom or Bamboo utility. Install the PenTablet5.2.6-6.dmg driver. Backup /Library/PreferencePanes/PenTablet.prefPane. Replace the prefpane from 5) with the pane from 2) so you are using the latest prefpane. Replace the PenTablet.prefPane/Contents/Info.plist with the one from 2). Goto System Preferences and you can open the Wacom config preferences!